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Wednesday, March 27, 2013

I see a wall!

Hello loves!

Not sure why Florida is cold right now but I'm over it. We headed out last night to the house before we hit up the gym and we found a wall! Well part of a wall but hey I'll take it!

Wall!!!! I hugged it. Yep I'm that girl who looks silly but I am so excited! 
We were a little worried about the bank dragging its feet to get us funded, I'm pretty sure they made up some form for us to sign to expedite the money distribution to Todd... we all came to the conclusion that this must be the banks first construction loan... ever. Losers. haha :) 

This is the wonderful Hubs standing where our front door will be! Todd had mentioned to us that he was building the house up a little bit but we didnt expect it to be this high. Let me tell you, I thought I had a good mental picture of what things were going to look like but I am doubting myself! 

We got the final specs for the front door yesterday and we just have to sign off on the order. We had a few changes to be made, since we have a full block house we wont need the clips to hold the door in it will just be bolted directly to the walls. We decided to have the Right hand door swing (Thank you to everyone who answered my FaceBook post) and the left be our stable one. Not sure if I mentioned it but each door weighs 400 pounds... (please, please bolt the door in real good) 
Love this color for the finish on the door... our garage door is going to be more brown than black but if they clash then we might be able to just get the painters to color it the same. 
This fancy hunk of metal is going to be our door handle! They had a standard thumb lock push thing but if you are going all out on your doors you might as well have something so amazing for the handle too! The Hubs likes to make this castle-esk noise for the door opening which just cracks me up. This bisch better not be that loud!! 
We op-ed out of having anything but standard glass on the doors since we will have the wall and gate up and that will really block people from seeing in. If when everything is done and installed you can still see in we are going to get a film applied to add a buffer, but so far it doesnt look like it is going to be an issue. 

Still waiting to see a mock up of our cabinets but a home show this weekend really took us off track. Its hard to drive by so many granite places and not be able to stop in and just pick something out! I am so anxious to do these sorts of details already. I know I just need to relax because its all going to hit me at once but I go to bed at night dreaming about the inside of this house! 

I did start a small garden at our rental now. We dont have much for grass... uh sorry.. we dont have grass at all to be exact. My orchids growing in my "dining room" just arnt cutting my need of plants and greenery. My basil (I hate basil but it does wonders for a sore throat) is going strong, I learned that pruning it will help it grow bigger... crap. Yes, I pruned it and its loving it. :( I did get my trash can avacado a new pot and he loves it, I also found out that it loves the sound of the washer and dryer. Strange I know but let me tell you about this guy. He started growing in my fridge (one of those lost veggies in the bottom drawer that turns into a science expirement) and I had my trash bucket filled with extra potting soil, so I dropped the budding seed into it and in about a week this thing was about a foot tall! I loved it!!! So with some egg shell sprinkles to keep the slugs off I can proudly say that it is about 5 feet tall. He is living in the garage since it is the warmest place in the house and was sad looking when I was doing laundry and I had moved it inside for the day... crap. I need to get out of this small house I'm starting to go cray :) Happy planting! haha 

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