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Wednesday, February 20, 2013

still just dirt.

Well not too much going on here on the "Home Front" :( sadly we are still waiting on the bank to get back to us, we heard from a little birdy that the appraisal was to be turned in by tomorrow... so we might just bug our friend at the bank.

The land is finally cleared... a 4 day job took about 2 weeks to be complete.... yes I am making this face right now { :|  } 

Some damage was done to the neighbors fence.... This is not entirely our land clearing people fault. These trees have been growing wild for years and when they went to take out the trees next to it on our side of the fence the roots were tangled and took down the fence.... when I went out there today all of this was on the ground, I'm thinking we have had some visitors out there lately being hoodlums. Grrreeeaat. 

Had to do a little land owner up-keep myself while I was out there. We lost our some of our property lines with all the dust and dirt flying around so I picked up this cute little can of spray paint (at the craft store) and made my lines appear again! 

The Hubs assigned me the task of finding quotes for our fencing we need to have while we build and afterwards for the pups... I lined up about 5 quotes and met with 2 of them in person. Since Todd gave me all the measurements we needed and told me the lingo I needed to use when talking to these guys I thought that it was going to be a walk in the park. 
No. Not true. Clearly some of these men take me for a fool... or just a typical woman. Not happy. I told one guy that I needed 450ft of fence and 20 of that was going to be a large gate (which is do-able) he called me back and told me that I actually needed 554ft of fence and that didnt include the gate.... where in the world did he get over 100ft MORE than what I was asking for?! I had to go over everything with him and he was pulling some huge numbers out of his ass and I decided to just let him talk and then threw out his quote. 
Another one of my quotes I got was WAAAY too low... but he was a nice man and just did it over the phone... I think he might have missed some numbers and I cant fault him for that. 
The quote I got today I think I told the guy probably 20 times that I needed 8ft high fence in the back and I needed a quote for temporary fencing and also a separate one for the repairs on the neighbors fence (we will only be paying half) when I got the quote today it didnt have any of this included. 
Are you kidding me?! Maybe I am not speaking clearly... nope that cant be it I went to speech therapy for 3 years! 

As for our rental.... oh man. This place is a hot mess fo-real. So currently we have at least 4 outlets that do not work. This includes the one and only outlet in the master bath... and the guest bath. I have been curling my hair while sitting on the floor in the middle of the bedroom. <heavy blinks> I also had to blow some leaves with this miniature leaf blower that our landlord left us and found out that the only outlet outside doesnt work either. 
Being born and raaaised (say it with a southern accent) in Florida, I know that there is a very likely chance I will encounter bugs from time to time... more specifically roaches and I have recently taught myself to not scream bloody murder and now have resorted to calling The Hubs. When I am alone depending on the size of the bug I will sometimes sacrifice one of my dogs and use a paw. The larger ones sometimes get hairspray or windex.... or the tried and true shoe if it is around. This house though.... ((shivvers))  when we moved in I saw no signs of bugs at all... now its like a breeding ground. Okay so with the help of Todd's son and a trip to Lowes we have controlled the masses. I can now walk into the kitchen at midnight and not have to worry about anything under my feet but a dog or two. :) The kitchen sink is leaking... seems to have been like this for a while and our landlord doesnt really care so I have decided to throw an air freshener under there and call it a day. Rot or not I dont care enough to try and get this fixed. 

We still are not using any of the cabinets or drawers, I have my pots and pans I use on the daily out and on a shelf that used to live in my craft room this is also my make-shift pantry. Its working for me for now. I was going to just live out of boxes till the house was complete but The Hubs wanted some artwork on the walls. 
so I gave him this option.... I think its actually going to stick around. :) 

We got busy at work and I packed up at the end of the day and didnt complete this post so I will give you this mornings updates:

The bank called us and we were sent to underwriting! YAY! We asked what our timeframe was looking like and she said it was looking good for being done soon! Yes.... I almost cried. Its like music to our ears right now! We want this sooo bad! 
I also got an email back from the fence guy I met with yesterday... he thinks I just dont understand his email.... uh hello. yes I did and clearly you weren't listening to me when I was talking to you! Stupid men! 

On a good note we found a beaut of a path to take the dogs to the park. This park is amazing too! So many pathways to bike the dogs! We headed out on sunday and did our first treck with them and then biked through the local art show afterwards... We are quite a site too haha I think one day we are going to cause an accident. 

Back to work I go... I'll keep you updated on what happens :) 

Fence Companies Used: Arrow, H&Y, Johns Fencing, some other guy, and USA Fence. 

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