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Friday, January 11, 2013

Lets talk Mortgage

Since the day I got my first job I knew one day I wanted to own my own home, its every Americans dream! I have watched my spending and paid my bills on time in prep for this moment in life! Thankfully I found a man who had these same ideas and kept his finances in check as well. We paid for our wedding on our own and took a lovely honeymoon and then came back to tackle the big M word! In prep for it we pulled our own credit scores and decided that we were very happy with what we saw not to brag or anything but we are both in the top percentile :) BOOM!

We set up some appointments to begin finding a bank who will love us... (haha I know, bank and love should not be said in the same breath) first bank we set out to was our own, they didnt call us back before our appointment and so we saw the wrong person in the wrong department... swing and a miss! Our paperwork was sent over to someone in the 'right' department, but we moved on anyways to a credit union who we made an appointment with. This man decided to not even acknowledge I was even sitting in the office with my husband and for our whole meeting he never once looked my way. As soon as he told us that they didnt do construction loans I packed up my angry little self and tried to leave... but my level headed Hubs got some info from him about how we were looking if they were able to give us money (since the last bank was a miss) turns out if we were just buying a house outright we would be in great shape. Finally we left and we will count that as strike two! There just happened to be another bank right next door who had a wonderful branch manager who pointed us in the right direction and by the end of the day we had our first approval! We walked out of the bank with papers in hand that we actually could build our glorious home!
A few days later while we were in Georgia for my best friends wedding we got a call from our own bank, she left a snarky little message letting us know that there was "No way we would even qualify for that amount of money" while she rambled on with her hateful message it finally cut her off. We had no way to respond to her that day since it was 5 min to 5 on Friday while we were at wedding rehearsal. So we got to stew about it till we had a nice glass of wine with a bunch of lovely people... we picked back up on our stewing on our 8 hour drive back home sunday.

Monday afternoon I called this angry little elf back and she proceeded to make me so angry I was literally shaking. Working in Banking world for almost 6 years I had picked up a thing or five from my MLOs I casually shared lunch with. She told me that we could get not even half of what we were asking for. She also told me that our income was too low... this is clearly laughable! She never even ran our credit to see what our DTI ratio was, and she was assuming that we had outstanding bills that needed to be paid. This woman was just spewing ignorance and hate. Finally when I told her that we had been pre-approved at another bank for what we were asking she decided that the right thing to reply with would be "well tell me who that is so I can just send ALL my clients over there!" well Mrs. Dripping with Honey we can just take our money and business elsewhere. To make a long story shorter we got in contact with her boss and our branch manager and got a different lender who is more than happy to loan us all the money in the world... well... not all. :)
BOOM second pre-approval!

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