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Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Good morning from the land of 'I'm only half an iced coffe in and I'm still a little grumpy'!!

This weekend my husband decided to gift me a sunday doing what I wanted to do because we went to the gun show for him... and spent a good 2 hours there (one of which was just waiting in line) So what did I pick to do?! FURNITURE SHOPPING! Yes when we went we didnt know the full size of the room but I am ready to get ideas and see some couches and such now so I can whip it out as soon as we move in!

This pretty baby is from Ashley Furniture. We found it a few weeks ago when we went shopping out of town. This is when we figured out that each couch needs to go through the test... 
((Step 1. Remove all unnecessary pillows. Step 2 Have The Hubs lay down. Step 3 lay down next to The Hubs and close eyes.)) Yes, we do get some strange looks but who really cares! If you invest money into something like furniture you need to know if it will be what you really want! 
This couch is a top contender! 
We found this one this weekend. Sorry for the sucks picture but after searching 45 pages of couches I never found it on the website and just took a picture of a picture. I love this couch its great and even has  my decorative nail heads in it but I think the color is too light. Its also double the price of the couch above. It did pass the test though! As much as I want something with the decorative nail heads in it I think we are going to pass on this one. Sad to say its out since its the only thing so far The Hubs has liked with this detail but oh well! 

Found this little table as well. The sides fold up into it so its a perfect table to have behind a couch. Once you open it up that means you are having a cocktail party... or this is how I feel it would work. :) 
We are IN LOVE with this Ethan Allen coffee table... but as you all know that store most of it starts at like a million dollars... so we will wait on this guy. But the wood and metal together is a beautiful look!
This Chandelier. Oh. M. G. yea! So I originally found this same exact one online months ago and fell in love. I have actually been looking for a table to go under it for our dining room I love it that much. Well The Hubs got to see it first hand and he loved it as well. Of course we didnt even look at that price since we were still at EA but online its about $600 or so. It makes a huge statement and I am in lovvvveeee
We also dabbled in entertainment centers. This we liked (in a dark color) its the tallest and widest we have seen so far. We might have to make a custom piece later on. 
We decided to not make a ton of furniture choices until we are actually in the house for now... maybe its because the shock of using a tape measurer to see things is really hard. ha! A 22ft wall doesnt seem super huge.... till you use a tape measurer in a small-ish room. 

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