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Friday, January 25, 2013

Impact fees

Oooh Gurl let me talk to you about a little thing we like to call Impact fees...

"Impact and capacity fees are charges on new development and increases in development intensity for the local government's cost associated with providing infrastructure to serve the new development.
The following impact and capacity fees are imposed by Sarasota County on new development in unincorporated areas of the county: potable water, wastewater, roads, park, library, fire/rescue, EMS, law enforcement, justice, general government, and education.
Municipalities charge some county impact fees, and municipalities and special districts may have their own fee systems for certain types of infrastructure."

So I pulled that right off the county website... a month or so ago we decided to run through every single article and section on that website and came up with a total $6429.00 not including potable water, road, and waste water. GROSS! Well I got a call back from someone in that department today who told me that my impact fees are going to be around 9 thousand. Yes. I pushed the right number. 9. I just threw up a little in my mouth. Let me be crystal clear when I tell you that we will be on septic and well for about 2 years max before we have to pay AGAIN to be hooked up to county... the septic and well is a cool 6k as well that we will get maybe 20% back from the county over a possible 20 years or so in our bill. What a joke! The county is also letting everyone know (who couldnt make it to the secret county hearing) that these fees are a deep discounted rates so that it will entice more people to build. 

Oh Sarasota County you are so silly! With your silly angry office employees and your silly impact fees! 

The only good news about the fees is that you dont have to pay them until you have your 'Certificate of occupancy' sooo.... we will part with this money when we move in. Bummer deal. Oh lawd. 
Guess this is the price you pay to live in paradise! 

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