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Tuesday, July 9, 2013

One day to another

Hello! Welcome back! My what a week it has been and its only Tuesday! 
While everyone was sleeping a few mornings ago they used a crane to bring in all of our drywall! 
Okay so I was possibly the only one sleeping but The Hubs had to head over to the house to meet with someone or another (I'm sorry if I dont remember I have been stretched thin lately and my mind is going) Thankfully he snapped these pics for me to share! 

By the time he got to the house they were already halfway done with unloading! I didnt know it would take that amount of effort to bring in all of the sheets! 

This may look like a photo from my last posting but I'm sure you didnt notice that The Hubs was leaning on the one of the many giant piles of drywall (maybe its sheet rock). There was some in the office, master bedroom, and here in the living room. Seriously a massive amount of this stuff! 

So today was the day to begin hanging the drywall (gypsum board) we pulled up to the house and there was still a large crew of guys working... oh did I forget to mention that today was also the day for the Stucco?! Yea, so... we had to walk in the back of the house...

I cant even begin to tell you how long I held my breath walking up to our back door... 
I cried. 
Literally cried. I have never felt such a strong emotion completely wash over me like this! Sure its not complet but it has come so far from the days it looked like this...
I cant, I cant even start to explain how happy I am. This beautiful field of dirt has transformed to my home. MY home! Todd pulled up before we walked in so it was nice to have that moment there with the main man! Just wow. 
I am standing where the fridge is going to go.
This lovely view is from the hallway walking into the master bedroom. How amazing are these archways?! Look at how the trees are split in the windows! The light in this room is just stunning as well! EEEPPP
Here is a view standing from the sliding glass door in the master. 

Look closely there is a bathtub in this photo! Well the tub part isnt here yet but you get it :) 

Master shower... now the next question... do we run the glass all the way to the ceiling or do we keep it   just going half way up? Steamy or not to be steamy? 

Hey black hole... cant wait to fill you up with my clothes! :) 

Look! We have a ceiling outside! Yay! I missed this when I first walked up to it (maybe because I was holding my breath before we walked in the house) Oh my we have some big plans for the patio area! 
Since you can see a little bit of the stucco here from that photo let me give you another! 
Ha I know! It doesnt look like much of a change from the very back yard but I'll give you something else to see! Lets just take a moment to get excited about everything being dead back there!!! Yay! I cant wait for a riding lawn mower! 

Here ya go! Ha I know looks just like the block... only less... prison-esk. :)
Now we do have some decisions to make here... First: color... but we are working on that one. Second: Do we even need to do stone on the front of the house?! Here is where we will be able to save a nice little chunk to go into something else in the house. Eesh. I'm over decisions. 

That is what it looked like when we pulled up today! We got there a little after 6 so they are puttin' in the OT! Woop Woop! 

Fun fact! I cut out what the door looks like in the very first photo of the inside! Haha Sorry I cant just show you what it looks like when it has a plastic sheet over it! Gross :) Guess you'll have to keep waiting! We did get a chance to open it and close it for the first time the other day (the day we found a tree had fallen onto our property)! 
This is a few days after "Bamboo-Gate" guess the high winds got to this tree or maybe some of the crazy lightning we have been having was to blame for this poor feller's fall. I'll quickly touch on "Bamboo-Gate" well we were walking past this pile of block when we saw 3 or 4 super long, super big poles of bamboo laying right next to it... now this grass had just been chopped so maybe it had been sitting there for a few days to a week.... but no way had they been there for more than two months... our neighbor (who is the proud owner of a large patch of very tall, very big bamboo) claims they had nothing to do with this because they just moved in 2 months ago. This is the same crazy raccoon lady from the early days, she must not remember ever talking to us... unless her equally as crazy twin moved in... which could totally happen. :) 

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