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Friday, September 6, 2013

It's raining, it's pouring....

Let me start off by saying I am officially over the rain at this point. No, wait I am over the intense amounts of rain we are having right now... I still love me a mid day drizzle every now and again.

In other news... 
Our pavers were delivered,

...Installed, and now we have a driveway! 

Yes, I know it looks patchy in this last photo but the major storms seem to be hitting us at the same time we go over to the house! It's stunning. I've always been a sucker for a paver driveway. :) Ever since my dad taught me how to install one, they have just seemed so much more stunning. When I say installed I mean we literally took a weekend and put one down ourselves! Such intense work but the results are always pretty cool :) 

I did get to grab this photo one night but mostly for the sky colors! 
It's like a sky of cotton candy! Sunsets just don't get much better. 

I headed for my now weekly trip to the Architectural Salvage yards and finally came home with something big! 
Yes! My new entry way light courtesy of Sarasota Architectural Salvage! You can visit their website by clicking here! I love these places and flea markets so much that I totally don't mind getting a little sweaty and dirty for a few hours! 

This beaut had been in a dusty area for a bit so I had to clean it up! Yep with a margarita in my hand. Don't pay attention to the wine glass, we are about a month and a half (or less) away from moving in YEP! IT'S RIGHT THERE! :D and we are very close to be completely packed back up! 
I love that part! It looks just like a crown!

Pretty details! 

We also had another light come in the other day! 
Figured out what it is? 

It's my master bathroom chandelier! I made a very high pitched noise when I put it all together and forced The Hubs to carry it outside in the sun for me! Haha! It still needs a couple of min of straightening out but we can do that once it's hung! 

Another exciting happening is.... Drumroll please....

Our floors are being installed! 
DO YOU SEE THIS!? You can't even tell that it's tile! It's insane! 

Oh yea... Say hello to the front door 
It's a little dusty from all the hard work going on... But ain't it pretty? 

So as most of you know, me and The Hubs (The Hubs and I) have three babies.... 
And Remmi.... 

Ha okay for real though... 
We have done everything we can to work around things that not only make us happy but our dogs as well... With the front door the glass opens up to let the breeze in, or to let dog noses poke out :) 
The backyard is completely fenced and with the house placement on the land we have quite a large sized back yard and is completed with the wall up front so the dogs have almost all green areas to be outside and free roaming. The floors are tile for the crazy moments when our "sled" dogs go crazy and run around the house, they won't damage anything ((well they won't damage the floors)) ha. They are just great to have around, everyone should own a few :) speaking of the little devils, they believe that now at 10pm it's play time so I gotta go run around for a bit! I'll post more soon! 

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